WP WooCommerce Product Table is amazing plugin for display WooCommerce products in a table. It is simple, easy and super flexible to customize and create product table exactly as your demand. Create unlimited product table and display them anywhere by using a tiny Shortcode of WP WooCommerce Product Table.
We’ve spend lot of time to testing it in various environment before launching. Hope this amazing product will fulfill your desire to create WooCommerce Product Table as you want.
Click here to see live preview.
Best for
WP WooCommerce Product Table is ready for create almost all kind of product table. We’ve focused on each and every point to create it’s features for all kind of Product Table. Few of them are mentioned below.
- Fashion Product Table.
- Jewellery Product Table.
- Electronics Product Table.
- Gadget Product Table.
- Restaurant Table.
- Accessories Table.
- Books Table.
- Tickets Table.
- Pricing Table.
- Online Music Sell Table.
- Virtual Product Table.
Core features
- 100% responsive for all size devices.
- Ajax add to cart for simple and variable product.
- Ajax add to cart for multiple product by one click.
- Simple, easy and super flexible to customize.
- No coding knowledge required to customize.
- Rich configuration options.
- Rich design options.
- Pre built necessary columns with full of control to active, deactive, reorder and change heading text.
- Flexible options for add unlimited custom column for your product custom field and custom taxonomy.
- Columns are ready to drag and drop to reorder their serial.
- Instant search box.
- Instant pagination.
- Instant sortable columns.
- Instant variation select of variable product.
- Support YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin to display Add to Wishlist button.
- Support YITH WooCommerce Quick View plugin to display Quick View button.
- Support Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and any other custom field plugin.
- Support any custom taxonomy creator plugin.
- Ajax mini cart above or below table.
- Flexible to display Product Table anywhere of your page and post by a tiny shortcode.
- Compatible with all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, Internet Explorer 11 and Internet Explorer 11).
- Secure, error free, clean and standard code.
Click here to see live preview.
Pre built columns
Columns sections contain 28 pre built columns with complete control feature. Pre built column can be activated, deactivated and their heading text can be change easily.
- Serial column will display serial number of the product in this table.
- ID column will display product ID.
- Thumbnail column will display product thumbnail.
- Product Title column will display product title. Based on other options, it will display short description or long description along with title.
- Short Description column will display product short description.
- Description column will display product long description.
- Categories column will display product categories.
- Tags column will display product tags.
- SKU column will display product stock keep unit (SKU).
- Weight column will display product weight (include unit).
- Total Weight column will display product total weight (include unit) based on number of quantity input field value. Total weight will calculate and display instantly if any change made in quantity input field.
- Dimensions column will display product dimensions (include unit). Dimension include length, width and height.
- Length column will display product length (include unit).
- Width column will display product width (include unit).
- Height column will display product height (include unit).
- Rating column will display product average (star) rating.
- Stock column will display product stock status (include number of item in stock).
- Price column will display product price (include currency symbol).
- Wishlist column will display “Add to wishlist” button to add product into Wishlist using “YITH WooCommerce Wishlist” plugin.
- Quantity column will display product quantity input field.
- Total Price column will display product total price (include unit) based on number of quantity input field value. Total price will calculate and display instantly if any change made in quantity input field.
- Quick View column will display “Quick View” button to view product instantly using “YITH WooCommerce Quick View” plugin.
- Created Date column will display product created date.
- Modified Date column will display product modified date.
- Attributes column will display product attributes.
- Variations column will display product variations select input to select variation instantly of variable product.
- Action column will display product “Add to cart” button. Based on other options, it will display quantity input, variations select input and checkbox input along with Add to cart button.
- Check column will display checkbox input to add product into multiple add to cart button to add several product at a time by one click.
Please take a look at the screenshot (below) of Columns section.
Custom columns
You are free to create unlimited custom column for your product custom field and custom taxonomy.
Please take a look at the screenshot (below) of Custom Column feature.
Core configuration features
- Display product from specific categories.
- Display product from specific tags.
- Display product from specific Ids.
- Display product from specific vendors.
- Display product based on stock status.
- Display product by minimum price and maximum.
- Exclude product from specific categories.
- Exclude product from specific tags.
- Exclude product from specific Ids.
- Exclude product from specific vendors.
- Exclude product based on stock status.
- Exclude product based on stock status.
- Limit product per page.
- Show or hide table header.
- Enable or disable header sorting.
- Bind short or long description with title.
- Select behavior of title on click (view product or nothing).
- Select behavior of thumbnail on click (thumbnail popup or view product).
- Select view product target (same Window or new Window).
- Provide add to cart button custom text.
- Provide multiple add to cart button custom text.
- Provide in stock status custom text.
- Provide out of stock status custom text.
- Provide available on backorder status custom text.
- Provide available on backorder status custom text.
- Enable or disable search box.
- Enable or disable mini cart above or below table.
- Provide extra class name of table.
Please take a look at the screenshots (below) of Conditions section and Utilities section!
Core design features
Design section allow you to configure product table design wihtout any coding knowledge or without any help from developer or designer. Design section are organized by several subsection to make it clean, simple and easier to customize. Design sections’s subsection are listed below.
- Table general.
- Table header.
- Table body.
- Table footer.
- Title & thumbnail.
- Star rating.
- Add to cart button.
- Multiple add to cart button.
- Quantity input.
- Variation select.
- Checkbox.
- Wishlist button.
- Quick view button.
- Seach input.
- Pagination.
- Mini cart.
Please take a look at the screenshots (below) of Design section.
Editor and page builder
WP WooCommerce Product Table support any kind of Editor and Page Builder. Few of them are listed below.
- Classic Editor.
- Gutenberg Editor.
- Elementor.
- Divi Page Builder.
- Thrive Architect.
- Beaver Builder.
- WPBakery Page Builder.
- Visual Composer Website Builder.
--------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0.1 (01 December 2020) --------------------------------------------------------- - Plugin URL updated. --------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0.0 (07 October 2020) --------------------------------------------------------- - Shortcode attributes added to override query control options. - Pagination style (CSS) issue fix. --------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.1 (02 October 2020) --------------------------------------------------------- - Star rating style (CSS) issue fix. --------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.0 (01 September 2020) --------------------------------------------------------- - Initial release.
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