WooCommerce Search Engine – INSTANT, RELEVANT AND SMART Search Box
“WooCommerce Search Engine” is a very powerful and easy to use WooCommerce Search Plugin which turns a simple search box of your WooCommerce Store to the powerful multifunctional magic box which helps you to sell more products. The plugin UI is compatible with ALL THEMES.
WooCommerce Search Engine is one of the best plugins of 2017 by Envato
Lightning Fast Search by Product Name, Description, Synonyms, SKU, Product Tags, Custom Fields and Attributes!
Smart Search Solution for both “Live Search” and “Theme Search Results Page” – 2 in 1
Smart and magic search engine
- Smart autocorrected search: If your client types incorrect product name(f.e. “smartfon” instead of “smartphone”), our smart algorithm recognizes it and shows relevant results.
- Search by tags, SKU, taxonomies, categories and attributes: The plugin let’s you to build search box which finds the products by produtct title, description, any custom field, product tag, product category, product attributes etc. which is very useful. The plugin also provides WooCommerce search by SKU.
- Search by synonyms: Place multiple custom synonym pairs and the plugin will take it into account.
- Smart price expressions Automatically recognizes prices in search (f.e. 100$ smartphone, smartphones around 100 usd, smartphones under 500$ etc.)
- Search results page – Provides the same smart search results for your theme’s search results page (the page that comes after pressing an enter) – without changing your theme’s UI.
- Search Analytics: Track what your visitors tried to search. Discover new products your visitors want and which you don’t have yet.
- Trending Products: (New!) Show hot trending products of your website to your customers. The plugin has some unique way for defining trending products.
- Featured Products: Show selected products to your visitors before they start typing for search.
- Recently Visited Products: Show recently visited products to your visitors.
- Show all variatons during the search
- And some another great features you might like
Some of features in action
Trending Products – When the visitor starts to type something.
Typo Correction Resolver – If visitor makes typo mistake in search keyword, the plugin understands what he/she means and shows relevant results.
Smart Price Expressions
Search by Stock Keeping Unit code (SKU Search feature for WooCommerce)
Search by your chosen custom meta field, tags, attributes.
Search by synonym words
Suggest popular products when “no any result found” message appears.
Seach by category names
Understanding special latin+greek letters
Search Analytics which allows you to track what your customers type in search box
Same smart results after pressing an enter and getting search results from backend side:
Great features for your WooCommerce website
- Main Feature: Very fast search suggestions by Product name, description, category, tag, meta fields, attributes and SKU – no loading time, no waiting, no any ajax or server-side loading, so it is really fast.
- Featured products block in live search suggestions box – Add any product you want.
- Latest visited products block in live search suggestions box which is personalized for each visitor.
- Additional help messages such as “type any text you want: f.e. child shoes”, “no any match found, you would like these new products” etc… in search suggestions box.
The plugin is cleanly integrated with WooCommerce, so even theme developers can add the plugin to their themes.(via extended license)
v 2.2.18 - small JS and backend improvements - added WP insert hook-filter for analytics function <pre> v 2.2.17 - added - HPOS compatibility code; - small improvements in synonym feature; v 2.2.16 - Renewed Analytics section with new filters v 2.2.14-15 - Small improvements on backend hook-filters - Some changes due to php8.1 requirements v 2.2.13 - Improvements in JS functions - New: Cron Rebuilder can now run only when there is an update in product data. v. 2.2.12 - PHP warning fix for rare cases - Improvement on focus-unfocus behaviour of the live search box v. 2.2.11 - JS improvements for a better behavior of the search box. - added more backend filters(aka apply_filters) to customize the plugin's functionalities. v. 2.2.9-10 - some small improvements and refinements in JS engine v. 2.2.7-8 - small JS bug fixes that occured in v2.2.6 v. 2.2.6 - Improvements on search algorithm - Restructuring of frontend scripts - Small improvement in pure_engine - Better cron job rebuilder - Faster rebuilder v. 2.2.5 - i18n support for admin settings page - New: simple grid layouts for live search box - fixing replaceAll conflict <pre> v. 2.2.2-4 - fix in auto-updater function - minor improvements v. 2.2.1 - native WC REST API for new backend engine - minor fixes and improvements v. 2.2.0 - New backend engine for larger stores (beta version). - Some code improvements. v. 2.1.15 - Fix - in rare cases the number of found shown results were higher than max_limit. - Fix - Custom CSS section stripslashes issue. v. 2.1.14 - Fix related to recently_viewed HTML decoding. - Small improvements in taxonomy search. v. 2.1.13 - Fixing rare JS conflict with WOOS filter plugin - Small improvements in JS functions v. 2.1.12 - Adding optional support for Google Analytics Events&Campaigns - Improvements in front-end JS scripts - New option to bypass static page caching by cache plugins. - Minor improvements. v. 2.1.11 - improvement backend-orderby handling for some special cases v. 2.1.10 - Adding meta_value_num support to orderby clause. - Better version management inside plugin files - Improved category thumbnail fetcher (for mobile version) v. 2.1.9 - WooCommerce 4.0 compatibility - Small improvements in main JS file v. 2.1.8 - Small improvements in main JS file and updater function v. 2.1.7 - improved code - now all important arguments support WP Filter Hooks - few important improvements in new backend search engine module - small improvement in autocorrection algorithm v. 2.1.5 - 2.1.6 - minor improvements for some special cases v. 2.1.4 - minor improvements for special cases(multisite WP, Woof plugin compatiblity function etc.) - lots of improvements in new backend search engine module v. 2.1.3 - minor improvements at backend side - minor improvements at frontend side v. 2.1.2 - fixes for http websites with Cloudflare SSL - new layout shorttag {stock_status} - minor improvements - new experimental search engine module v. 2.1.0 - 2.1.1 - 3 minor fixes and 6 minor improvements. v. 2.0.8 - 2.0.9 - minor fixes and improvements v. 2.0.7 - 4 minor fixes for special cases v. 2.0.6 - pretty good improvement for large stores with more than 10K products; - other minor improvements v. 2.0.5 - minor fixes and improvements. v. 2.0.4 - WooCommerce Multi-Currency compatibility - WPML latest version compatibility - added default RTL CSS support - imrovements at rebuilder, live search, trending search, smart expressions modules - other minor fixes v. 2.0.1-2.0.3 - minor improvements v. 2.0.0 - new feature: smart price expressions (f.e. 100$ smartphone) - new feature: add any taxonomy/attribute to live search results layout - fixed: multisite issue has been resolved - new feature: update via wp-admin (no need download/reinstall anymore) - minor improvements v. 1.9.6-1.9.9 - small improvements v. 1.9.5. Added: WooCommerce Products Filter (WOOF) compatibility. Added: WooCommerce Currency Switcher compatibility. v. 1.9.0 - Brand new feature: Trending products. - Tags and categories support for "Featured products block" - Display custom taxonomy in search box.(Till this version only categories could be displayed) - More powerful Backend Search option built on WP Transient API - more than 10 small improvements. - restructured Settings page - now it is easier to use. v. 1.8.0. - faster transliterated search. - highlight search term in search results. - each variation can be shown as a single product. - some parts of smart search engine has been rewritten. - more than 20 small improvements. - now "backend search results orderby = live search results orderby". v. 1.7.6. - More stable cache builder. - Improvement at backend search part. - Some other small improvements. v. 1.7.3. - New module: Simple Standalone Search, which can replace default search results page with our Standalone Search Page. - Shortcode support for standalone search page. - New admin UI. - Custom JS field. - Some little improvement at backend search algorithm. v. 1.7.2. - Huge performance improvement for the websites with more than 10K products. v. 1.7.0: - added: displaying variable price range - added: 3 new shortcodes - solid performance improvement and code utilization - added: custom layout for developers v. 1.6.6: - some small improvements. - added compatibility with WC3 product visibility taxonomy. 1.6.5 ver. -improved: more fields in layout template. 1.6.1 ver. -added: fullscreen mobile search window. -added: ignored keywords list. -added: enable/disable shortlinks in cache data. -added: indexedDB support for cached data - now it is faster than ever. -added: exclude any product from search results. - fixed: homepage redirection in some cache links. - fixed: display woo thumbnail when there is no featured image for product. - some little improvements 1.5.4 ver. - Fixed: "empty data in most popular searches" at analytics tab. - Improved: admin settings security. - Added: "Show all results" link below the live results. - Improved: Analytics data collector algorythm 1.5.3 ver. - Fixed IE11 and Safari issue from 1.5.2 - Improved local cache load logic. 1.5.2 ver. - New: Now the plugin is able to show tax included/excluded prices. - Imrovement: some little improvements on Analytics section. - Fix: Deprecated WPML function has been replaced with the new one. 1.5.1 ver. - New Feature: Search Analytics - Track what your visitors tried to search. - New Feature: Backend Search - Pass frontend smart search results to backend(after enter press) - Added: Exclude any category from search results - Improved: Thank to new templating mechanism Search Cache Size reduced by 2-3 times. - Fix: Some other improvements. 1.4.4 ver. - Added: "translit" search for Cyrillic websites. - Added: "Exact match" mode - Fix: permanent sale price visiility. 1.4.0 ver. - Added: Search by variations. - Added: Search by synonyms. - Improvements: Generated cache size reduced by 7-10%. 1.3.4 ver. - Added: Integration with WooCommerce Catalog Visibility setting. 1.3.2 ver. - Improved: New search algorithm - now smarter and more powerful. - Some fixes and little improvements. 1.3.1 ver. - New: Cache rebuild button on wp-admin top bar! - New feature: Cache auto-rebuild. 1.3.0 ver. - New feature: Search by tags and any attributes! - Some impovements. 1.2.3 ver. - Improvement: Now search suggestions algorythm works 5-10 times faster. - Fixed: Line breaks from custom fields are fixed for js code 1.2.2 ver. - Added: Optional "Search from first letter" rule. - Fixed: Out Of Stock products filtering works again. 1.2.0 ver. - Added: Cache rebuild via Cron Jobs - Added: Popular products block for "no match" screen - Added: Ordering by any argument. - Added: Search by category name(Display category names by search keyword) - Fixed: Strip tags from hidden description. 1.1.2 ver. -Added: Optional search by description feature. -Fix: Some css repeats removed. Data JS file now has 16% less size. 1.1.1 ver. -Fix: the plugin now removes expired campaign sale prices. -Fix: Show previous suggestions after refocusing. -Added: New parameter which defines when autocorrected key results should appear. -Improvement: Formatted prices in suggestion box. 1.1.0 ver. - Search algorithm now recognizes and converts special latin letters such as 'ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'à '. -Added feature - search by product attribute(=meta_keys) -Some other little improvements. </pre></pre>
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