This plugin is an add-on for Avada and Fusion Builder and only work if Avada and Fusion Builder are installed.
Create and manage custom product page templates using the WooCommerce Product Template Builder for Avada. WooCommerce Product Page Builder for Avada and Fusion Builder lets you design your single product pages using Fusion Builder elements and make every product look unique. You get pre-designed templates to get started. You can preview the templates below. We are constantly working on adding new templates to the library. If you have any design or layout you think should be added to the library, please feel free to send it our way
The WooCommerce product template builder provides 15 elements for the single product page design using Fusion Builder. You can use the Fusion Builder core elements to combine and create stunning product templates.
- NEW: Sticky Add to Car bar
Sticky Add to Cart bar helps you highlight the add to cart button on your product page, which is always visible to your users, no matter how far they scroll on the product page to read the information. The sticky add to cart button will help increase your revenue.
- NEW: Frequently Bought Together
WooCommerce Product Page Builder for Avada allows you to add a “Frequently Bought Together” element to the product pages. Famously used on Amazon, this clever feature boosts the likelihood of your customers purchasing more products, thus boosting revenue.
- NEW: Custom Product Tabs ( SAVE $29 )
Create unlimited custom product tabs with the WYSIWYG editor for the tab content. Often, you need to buy an individual plugin that costs more than $35 just for adding the custom product tabs. We are introducing this feature as bonus to our users.
- Checkout Page Customization
You can now customize the checkout pages using Fusion Builder and make it look awesome. Here’s a quick view of the customized checkout page using WooCommerce Product Page Builder for Avada and Fusion Builder –
- Add videos to product gallery ( SAVE $39 )
Adding videos to the product gallery was never been so easier. We made this feature available to you. Now you can add your product videos to the product gallery the same as the product gallery images. You can set the custom image for the video thumbnail in the product gallery.
- Add videos to product gallery for additional variation images
Same as the product regular gallery, you can add the videos to the additional variation image gallery as well.
- Ajaxify the Add to Cart on single product pages
We have added an option to the add to cart element that will allow you to set the add to cart button not refresh the product page when someone clicks the add to cart button; instead, they will stay on the same page, and the product will be added to cart in the background.
- Additional Variation Image Gallery for variable products ( SAVE $49 )
You can now add multiple variation images per variation in WooCommerce variable product and present your product in a more advanced way. An additional variation image gallery will help you display multiple variations of a product attribute.
- Vertical Product Gallery Thumbnails
Now, you can create different product gallery layouts by setting up the gallery thumbnails to be vertical. You can also control the position of the product gallery thumbnail to display the thumbnails to either to the Left or Right side of the main product image according to your product page layout.
Product Variation Swatches ( SAVE $39 )
Yes, you heard it right. You can now convert the regular dropdowns of your product variations into awesome looking variation swatches with the built-in variation swatches tool. You just need to configure your existing product attributes accordingly and you’ll be able to get rid of the class dropdowns on the variable products. You can set your product attributes type as Label, Color, and Image.
- WooCommerce Cart Template
You can now design your WooCommerce cart page on the fly. Make your cart page stand out and looks completely different than the traditional Avada cart page.
You can also customize the empty cart page and get the most out of it. Don’t just display the message “Your cart is empty” which looks like an error page, but make it look like the part of your website with some graphics and additional information.
Pre-built Templates
WooCommerce Product Page Builder comes with pre-built templates to get started. Using these pre-built templates, you can import them and customize as per your requirements.
Category base templates
While designing the templates, you can select the product categories you want to use that template and the WooCommerce Product Page Builder will automatically display the template when the product from the selected category is viewed on the frontend.
Global Settings
You can set the default template for all your product from the global settings. You can also change the default template whenever you need.
Individual Product Templates
Want to display different product templates for each of your products? you’re all set. You’ll have an option to set the different product templates per product and you can change it anytime from the product edit screen. You can also create the template for the product from the product edit screen itself, or choose to use the existing template as well.
v2.8.1 – 17 December, 2022
- Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 6.1.1 - Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2.0 - Improved: Compatibility with Avada 7.9 - Improved: Compatibility with PHP 8.2
v2.8.0 – 27 January, 2022
- New: Sticky Add to Cart bar for single product pages - New: Two column main gallery image layout - New: Option to set gallery image navigation as dots and arrows - New: Option to set navigation arrow and dots color - Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 5.9 - Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1.x - Improved: Compatibility with Avada 7.6.x
v2.7.2 – 18 December, 2021
- Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.2 - Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.0 - Improved: Compatibility with Avada 7.6 - Fix: Product image carousel on mobile
v2.7.1 – 5 August, 2021
- Fix: Plugin does not have valid error conflict on some installations
v2.7.0 – 1 August, 2021
- New: Frequently Bought Products element to help boost your sales - New: Custom product tabs to create unlimited custom product tabs - Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8 - Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.5.2 - Improved: Compatibility with Avada 7.4.1 - Fixed: Product image slider on mobile devices
v2.6.1 – 6 February, 2021
- Fixed: Product description not appearing if template is not set in the product level
v2.6 – 1 February, 2021
- New: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons Premium - Improved: Added message for cart/checkout element if used on regular pages instead of original ones - Improved: Compatibility with PHP 8 - Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 5.6 - Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.0 - Improved: Compatibility with Avada 7.2.1 - Fixed: Fatal error on cart/checkout page update in conjunction with a few 3rd party plugins - Fixed: Avada 7.2 causing conflict with product gallery layout - Fixed: Product gallery thumbnail positions not working as expected after Avada 7.2 - Fixed: Shortcodes not working in product description tab content - Fixed: Update check API being called recursively causing it to fail to check the plugin update
v2.5 – 18 October, 2020
- New: Woo Checkout element to customize the checkout page using Fusion Builder - New: Hooks for each element of product page builder to allow you to add custom content before and after - Improved: Product description content line breaks will be preserved with the content formatting - Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.6 - Improved: Compatibility with Avada 7.1 - Fixed: Product description not available on frontend if template type is a category - Fixed: Fatal error on template saving if Fusion Builder is initialized late - Fixed: Error when product swatches are configured directly on the product page and the swatches are used - Fixed: Cart element giving errors if used in templates. Cart element will only available for pages now
v2.4 – 13 August, 2020
- New: Adding videos to your product gallery is now a lot easier - New: Variation image gallery now accepts the videos as well - New: Option to set a custom thumbnail for videos in product galleries - New: Option to Ajaxify the Add to Cart on single product page - Fixed: Product variation swatches overflowing the container if there are many variations - Fixed: Product display error when multiple add-to-cart elements used in a single template - Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 5.5 - Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.x - Improved: Compatibility with Avada 7
v2.3.3 – 28 June, 2020
- Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.2.x - Improved: Compatibility with Extra Product Options Add-on
v2.3.2 – 28 May, 2020
- Improved: Removed the ACF Pro plugin dependency
v2.3.1 – 27 May, 2020
- Fix: Error on activation if ACF Pro is not installed and active
v2.3.0 – 25 May, 2020
- New: Additional variation image gallery for variable product - Improved: Variation swatches doesn't display for some custom attributes due to name conflict
v2.2.1 – 14 May, 2020
- New: Tags element will allow you to display product tags as a separate element - New: Category element to display the product categories as a separate element - Fix: Styling issue for square variation and color attribute - Fix: Product image overlap on a column if the sidebar is used or on browser resize
v2.2 – 11 May, 2020
- New: Added WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches - Label, Color, and Image - New: Added option to set product gallery thumbnail to left/right side with vertical scrolling - New: Two brand new templates to showcase the product variation swatches - New: Two brand new templates to showcase the product gallery thumbnail on the left and right side - Improved: All element styling updated to allow different styling with multiple instances of the same element - Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce Extra Product Options plugin - Fix: Product description doesn't display on frontend if the category default option is selected - Fix: Product sharing box responsive styling not applying due to missing css class
v2.1 – 19 April, 2020
- New: Brand new template in the library to showcase your product image gallery in a unique way - Fix: New product templates styling not working on frontend - Fix: Fusion Builder settings conflict with saving elements causing an infinite loop of WP Queries
v2.0 – 16 April, 2020
- New: Cart template customization - New: Empty cart page customization - Improved: Cached database calls for the template check on each product page - Fix: Product description text not converting into paragraphs
v1.2 – 13 March, 2020
- New: Added one brand new template to the library by replacing product image with a before-after image - Improved: WooCommerce 4.0 compatibility - Fix: WooCommerce Product Page Builder elements are not available if Fusion Builder settings are saved previously.
v1.1.1 – 1 March, 2020
- Fix: PHP warnings on 404 and search page.
v1.1.0 – 29 Feb. 2020
- New: Added plugin auto-update functionality to easily update your plugin - New: Added one brand new template to the library - New: It is now possible to set templates for product category along with the global settings - New: Added an option to set the template to 100% width - New: Containers can now set the interior content width with a 100% width template - Fix: Product description element not displaying content in certain conditions
v1.0 – 18 February, 2020
- Initial release
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