Live News is a WordPress plugin inspired by the news tickers commonly used by broadcast television stations to display the latest updates, including news, financial information, weather alerts, election results, sports scores, and more. Note that this plugin updates the news in real-time, allowing your users to view the latest content instantly without needing to refresh the page.
News Manually Added
You can use the Featured News menu and the Sliding News menu to manually create the news of your news tickers. This allows you to have a complete control over the content of the displayed news and the maximum level of customizability on the sliding news. Feel free to select your favorite color for each sliding news and include a custom image before and after each sliding news.
For example the news of the Sliding News with Stock Market Data demo page have been manually added, and the increase/decrease icons have been uploaded and associated with the sliding news.
News from WordPress
Use the WordPress posts as the source to create news tickers based on the titles, excerpts and permalinks of your posts (all the posts or only the posts of a specific category).
News from an RSS feed
With RSS as the source of your news you will be able to generate the news ticker based on the information included in your favorite RSS feed, which might be your own WordPress RSS feed, the RSS feed of a tv channel, the RSS feed of a radio, etc.
For example in the BBC News demo the news ticker is generated based on the news included in this RSS feed provided by BBC News.
Before importing content from an RSS feed please make sure that you are authorized to do so, the BBC News page used in the plugin demo is a non-indexed page created only for demonstration purposes.
Customize Everything
This plugin comes with 56 customizable options per news ticker, 4 options per featured news, 9 options per sliding news and 3 general options.
To give you an idea of the level of customizability consider that you will be able to:
- Apply the news ticker to the entire website or to a specific URL
- Temporarily enable or disable each news ticker
- Retrieve the news from your favorite source (Manually Added, WordPress posts, RSS feed)
- Decide which category of posts should be considered (in case the WordPress posts are the source)
- Display the time based on the server time or on the user time, and also to assign a positive or negative offset
- Use the news ticker with LTR languages or also with RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, etc.
- Enable or disable the news ticker with mobile devices
- Display or hide the featured news area (the big red area on top of the sliding news)
- Display the news ticker in open or closed status
- Enable or disable the links associated with the featured news title and with the sliding news
- Open the links in the same tab or in new tabs
- Show or hide the clock
- Set the update time of the clock
- Set the number of sliding news available for each cycle of news
- Set the speed of the sliding news
- Determine the number of cycles performed by the news ticker without updating the news
- Set the transient expiration in seconds
- Set the maximum length of the featured news title
- Set the maximum length of the featured news excerpt
- Set the maximum length of the sliding news
- Set the font size of the featured news title
- Set the font size of the featured news excerpt
- Set the font size of the sliding news
- Set the font size of the text displayed in the clock
- Set the margin between the sliding news
- Set the padding of the sliding news
- Enter a custom font family that will be used for all the textual elements of the news ticker
- Load a custom font family from Google Fonts
- Set the featured news title color
- Set the featured news title color in hover state
- Set the featured news excerpt color
- Set the sliding news color (for all the sliding news of a news ticker or also for specific sliding news if needed)
- Set the sliding news color in hover state
(for all the sliding news of a news ticker or also for specific sliding news if needed) - Set the background color of each sliding news
- Upload and choose an image displayed on the left of the sliding news
- Upload and choose an image displayed on the right of the sliding news
- Set the color of the text displayed in the clock
- Set the background color of the featured news area
- Set the background color opacity of the featured news area
- Set the background color of the sliding news area
- Set the background color opacity of the sliding news area
- Upload and choose a custom image for the open button
- Upload and choose a custom image for the close button
- Upload and choose a custom image for the background of the clock
Highly Optimized
With the Live News plugin you are free to create an unlimited number of news tickers in websites hosted in shared servers, VPS or dedicated servers without any issue. This plugin makes use of the WordPress Transients API, so you will be able to limit (based on your needs) the number of queries performed on your database to retrieve the news and the number of HTTP requests sent to the RSS sources.
Controlling the number of requests sent to the provider of your news is very important because this allows you to avoid problems like having an RSS feed which refuses to respond to the server IP.
Multisite Ready
This plugin can be used on a WordPress Network, and supports both a Network Activation (the plugin will be activated on all the sites of your WordPress Network in a single step) and a Single Site Activation (your plugin will be manually activated on single sites of the network).
Multilanguage Ready
Live News comes by default in English, if you want to translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.
The official plugin documentation, including references to the video tutorials and the FAQs, is available in the documentation page published on our website.
Yearly Plans
You can alternatively purchase yearly plans for 1, 5, or 25 websites. For more information, please see the Live News Pricing Section on our portal.
This plugin makes use of the following resources:
- Select2 licensed under the MIT License
- Mobile Detect licensed under the MIT License
- The json2xml JavaScript function (available in the live-news/public/assets/js/general.js file) is licensed under the Creative Commons GNU LGPL License
For each library you can find the actual copy of the license inside the folder used to store the library files. The license information of the json2xml JavaScript function are available just above the function code.
30.10.2024 - v2.21 - Fixed bug with the plugin update checker 30.10.2024 - v2.20 - Minor bug fix 29.10.2024 - v2.19 - Added support for seamless updates - Major back-end UI update - Refactoring - Due to the recent requirement for a subscription to access the endpoints needed for reading tweets, and the consequent inability to test these endpoints effectively, X/Twitter has been removed as a data source. 07.12.2023 - v2.18 - Restored the functionality of the "Hide Featured News" option 21.10.2023 - v2.17 - The back-end menus are now optimized for RTL languages - Refactoring 05.08.2022 - v2.16 - The "Import", "Export", and "Maintenance" menus have been added - Minor back-end improvements - New access control options have been added 16.05.2022 - v2.15 - Added .pot file 10.03.2021 - v2.14 - The "Target URL" option now supports multiple URLs - The "Target URL Mode" option has been added - The open/close button is now included in the news ticker when the featured news are not displayed - Minor back-end improvements 20.08.2020 - v2.11 - Removed deprecated jQuery methods 19.12.2019 - v2.10 - Fixed CSS issues caused by the changes applied in WordPress 5.3 31.07.2018 - v2.09 - Improved the way transients are stored and parsed 29.07.2018 - v2.08 - The "Twitter" source now supports 280 characters for the tweets - A custom time format can now be specified by using the "Clock Format" option of the news ticker - Other minor improvements 23.11.2017 - v2.05 - Fixed a color picker style issue caused by style changes implemented in WordPress 4.9 - The font family stack of WordPress is now used - Improved back-end style and functionalities - Added a search field on the Tickers, Featured News and Sliding News menus - Added the "Detect URL Mode" option - The "Sliding News Font Size" option has now the correct CSS specificity to be properly applied in the front-end - Updated the default values of the "Cached Cycles" (from 0 to 5) and "Transient Expiration" (from 0 to 60) ticker parameters - Other minor improvements 16.12.2016 - v2.04 - The plugin has been rewritten with an OOP approach - Backend interface revamp - It's now possible to create multiple news tickers - The number of AJAX requests required to retrieve the news ticker data has been reduced from 3 to 1 - The news ticker data can now be stored using the Transient API - It's now possible to set the number of cycles performed by the news ticker without updating the news - The news can now be retrieved from Twitter - Images can now be added before and after each sliding news - The Mobile Detect class has been updated - Multilanguage support has been added - Support for WordPress multisite - Many other options have been added and the overall number of options has been increased from 21 (v1.47) to 72 (v2.04) 14.03.2015 - v1.47 - The Mobile Detect class has been updated 16.09.2014 - v1.46 - The AJAX requests now use the WordPress native actions - Added an edit button in the Featured News menu and in the Sliding News menu 25.03.2014 - v1.45 - Renamed the Mobile Detect class to avoid conflicts with other plugins that make use of the same class 13.09.2013 - Initial release
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