Marketplace Split Cart Plugin for WooCommerce
This Item only works with Webkul’s Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin for WooCommerce. Hence the Marketplace Plugin is Required, to make use of this Plugin.
Marketplace Splitcart Plugin for WooCommerce will allow the buyers to add more than one seller’s products to their cart. While a particular seller’s products added to a cart are being processed for checkout, the remaining products will remain in the cart so that payment can be made immediately or later as per the buyer’s convenience.
Note –
The Marketplace Split Cart Plugin for WooCommerce is compatible with Multisite.
This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s latest feature Cart and Checkout blocks.
This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code.
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Dear Customers, if you have a question/query, please raise a ticket at webkul.up We will do our best to answer as quick as it is possible. Don’t give us a low rate without contacting support on the issue you’ ve faced. We are always happy to help you.
Features Of Marketplace Split Cart Plugin for WooCommerce
- The Buyers can add multiple seller’s products to their cart.
- Based on the number of sellers the cart gets divided accordingly.
- As after cart split the checkout works like a single seller checkout, existing shipping and payment methods will work.
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"Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v 1.1.0"
v = 1.1.0 = Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Cart and Checkout blocks. Added: Update coding standard and optimize code. Fixed: Cart load issues.
v 1.0.8 Added: Incompatibility notice with WooCommerce 8.3 WC Blocks Feature on cart and checkout. Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce's latest version. Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage. Added: Compatibility with the latest marketplace plugin version. Updated: Updated code structure as per new Coding Standards.
v 1.0.7 Added: Compatibility with the latest marketplace plugin version. Updated: Tested up to values for WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP and Marketplace.
v 1.0.6 Added - Compatibility with discounting plugins. Added - Woocommerce native hooks for allowing cart table modifications. Fixed - PHPCS issues according to the latest WordPress Coding Standards. Improved - Code structure, optimization, cleaning up etc.
v 1.0.5 Fixed - Compatibility with marketplace latest version 5.0.1 Fixed - Fatal error when WC session is not set. Fixed - issue with placing an order for a particular seller and adding all products in the cart from all sellers. Improved - Code optimization and escaping, sanitization, validations etc. Added - WooCommerce native hooks for allowing third-party customizations. Added - Shop manager's items in admin's cart rather than a new cart.
v 1.0.4 Fixed : Fix - Cart item issues related to remove/undo/update. Update: Multi-language support has been added, provided .pot file. Update: Display the total of all split carts on the cart page.
v 1.0.3 Update: Updated the deprecated function. Fixed: Fixed cart item issue on checkout. Fixed: Fixed the multiple items add-on update.
v 1.0.2 Fixed: Fixed cart on removing the item. Fixed: Fixed item thumbnail issue.
v 1.0.1 Update: Updated module compatible with WC-3.2.x
"Initial release v 1.0.0"
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